The 2017 Guide to Bullet Journal Supplies

The 2017 Guide to Bullet Journal Supplies

Those of you who have been around a while might realize that buying office supplies is one of the greatest joys in my life. New pens, cute notebooks, and accordion files are all cause for celebration, and bullet journal supplies…

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Thrifted Tray Makeover

Thrifted Tray Makeover

I’ve never been all that enthusiastic about secondhand stores. I know thrifted stuff is a really big trend right now, but there’s something about wearing other people’s old clothes that I have a hard time getting past. I mean, a secondhand dress…

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Beginner’s Guide to The Bullet Journal

Beginner’s Guide to The Bullet Journal

Today, I did something I’ve been meaning to do all summer – I started a bullet journal. This journaling system is pretty much a cult phenomenon in some communities. Think of it as the sleeper hit of diaries. What it…

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DIY Succulent Garden

DIY Succulent Garden

Normally, I’m opposed to overly trendy things. Maybe I’m boring, maybe I’m a closeted hipster, but the more sudden and universal a fad is, the less likely I am to take part. But succulents? I’m totally on board. I got…

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Easy Snacks – Ranch Oyster Crackers

Easy Snacks – Ranch Oyster Crackers

I have an unnatural love for ranch dressing. I dip most foods in it, too. Fresh vegetables, of course, but also pizza and french fries and just about everything else I eat, as well. But when you dip crunchy things…

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