This post brought to you by Teach For America. The content and opinions expressed below are that of Living Between the Lines.
As my junior year rounds out, I’m starting to think about – gulp! – post-grad life. I’ve considered the two most common options – grad school and heading into the workforce – like most other soon-to-be-grads, but since meeting up with a few people in high school, I’ve also been considering Teach For America. As I explore my options, I thought I’d share a little about each one with you guys, so we can all make the plans that are right for us.
Post-Grad Planning ft. Teach For America
Thinking about grad school?
Awesome! I’m a big fan of continuing your education – my initial hope was to get a PhD., although I’m currently re-evaluating. But I definitely think pursuing more education is a worthy goal, so if you’re thinking grad school, it’s never too early to start getting prepared. One thing to be aware of is the GRE, which is the standard entrance exam for most graduate schools. A lot of colleges offer prep courses for the GRE, and there are tons of resources online and on the GRE’s website, but if you’re considering grad school, this is definitely something you want to be prepared for. Of course, if you’re thinking about law, medical, or pharmacy school, you have specialized tests to prepare for. And, much like the initial college application process, you’ll often need letters of recommendation for graduate school applications. I hope you’re building good relationships with your professors no matter what, but if you want to go to grad school, this is especially important!
Straight into the workforce?
This is probably the most popular path out of college, and for good reason – after all, you got your education for a reason, and a better job was probably a big part of that. Your network of professors and even alumni will be invaluable in helping you find a position, as well as on-campus job and career fairs.

Before making career decisions, make a list of your skills and accomplishments.
It’s also a good idea to reach out to old bosses from jobs, or firms from internships. While your previous professional connections might not be willing to hire you themselves, they might be able to direct you to someone who would.
Do some good with Teach For America.
You may be wondering – why teach with Teach For America? Look, you obviously know that your education is instrumental to your future. It might be the most important resource you have. So think back to the best teacher you’ve ever had. The one who made you feel the most capable and inspired. For me, it’s my fourth grade teacher – he encouraged me to stay dedicated to learning at a time when being a “smart girl” started to be uncool. And he absolutely refused to accept anything less than my best – he was one of the first teachers to ever challenge me and I thrived on it. I’m sure you can think of a teacher who was similarly inspiring. Now what if you could be that teacher for a student who needs that kind of inspiration? What if you could spend two years ensuring that students across the country get an opportunity to succeed? Enter Teach For America – I’ll let them tell you a little more:
Not sure if you could fall in love with teaching? I’ll break it down a little – Teach For America finds, trains, and places recent grads as teachers in school districts around the country. Obviously, this is great because it ensures that a student’s zipcode doesn’t determine their access to a quality education. If you’ve been reading for a while, you know just how passionate I am about education as a force for social change and personal empowerment. But TFA is also a huge help to its teachers. Teachers come from every major and career background, and in addition to the rewarding work they do and extensive training they receive, TFA alumni are successful leaders in many fields – many of whom still work with kids! If you’re interested in education or working with kids in any capacity, Teach For America is such a valuable experience that allows you to give and receive – and isn’t that what we all want from our futures, in the end? If you’re feeling inspired, you can learn more about teaching with Teach For America.