It seems like just yesterday that I was putting out my spring bucket list, but it’s actually June! And while maybe summer doesn’t officially start for a few weeks, no one told the midwest that. It’s been blazing hot and depressingly humid for weeks now. The changing of the seasons can only mean one thing – it’s time for another bucket list! Any other year, my bucket list would consist of spending at least 30% of my time out on the river, convincing my dad to fly us somewhere interesting (he’s technically a pilot, it’s a long story), and generally being outdoors as much as possible. But right as I arrived home, my father managed to injure himself coaching softball (way to go, dad!) and effectively tabled our usual summer plans, so I’ve been a little inventive about my goals. Still, shaking things up sounds like a decent plan, and maybe I can inspire some of you guys to try something new!
Summer Bucket List
Attend as many outdoor concerts as possible.
In another really long story, when I was a kid, my dad converted our basement into a recording studio and helped a local band put an album together. Ten years later, they’re still playing, and I’ve always loved going to their (usually outdoor) concerts with my boyfriend, or a big mess of friends. But this summer, I’d like to branch out and listen to some people I haven’t known since I was nine – and hey, it gives Carlos and I a pretty good new date idea, too.
Hike somewhere incredible.
I live near a small state park, and I love it. I have memories on almost every square inch of trails, from picnics with my best friend, to going away parties, to getting lost with Carlos, to helping my dad take senior pictures… But I am craving some new ones! My friends and I have tentative plans to visit Starved Rock State Park sometime this summer, and I’m hoping to add Maquoketa Caves in Iowa to the list as well. I love my hometown, but it’s all rolling hills and riverbanks – I’d love to see some cliffs and caves.
Road trip!
Confession time: I didn’t get my driver’s license until I was 19. Driving terrified me, but after a year at college, well… It didn’t seem quite as intimidating. But with a year’s experience under my belt, I’m itching to get out of town. Whether it’s visiting one of the Great Lakes or St. Louis with friends, I’d love to go somewhere exciting independently. Even if it’s just a few towns away, a road trip seems like a rite of passage, and it’s one I’m eager to experience.

Anyone who can help me plan a trip this scenic is automatically invited to ride along.
Volunteer with the historical society.
I managed to get through grad party season with only one mandatory attendance, so I naturally showed up late and ended up meeting my friend’s entire extended family. It was awkward. I spent a lot of time petting his dogs. But I did talk to his mom (a longtime family friend) about his recent stint volunteering with the historical society, and I’m ready to sign up myself. I’ve always loved old stuff – buildings especially – and have meant to get some volunteer hours on my resume anyway, so this seems like the perfect fit for me.
Monetize the blog.
No, I don’t mean sell out. But blogging is a lot of work, and takes a lot of time! And I love it. From what I understand, investing time and effort into things you love is a great career choice, so I’m hoping to at least break even on my hosting costs at some point – maybe even pay my utilities once I move into an apartment. I know monetizing a blog can be difficult, but even when I’m not living with Morgan (who’s written a million posts on how to monetize effectively, and done a bang up job of it herself) I know I can depend on her and my many blogging communities to help out.
Prepare for apartment life.
I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it, but I’m finally moving out of the dorms! I know that a lot of advice from my dorm style guide will carry over, but I also have the chance to be a lot more creative. I’m doing the IKEA equivalent of building a desk, I’ve bought new bedding, and now I’m really looking forward to customizing a space that will actually feel like my own. And not wearing shoes in the shower. I’m really, really, really looking forward to not wearing shoes in the shower. Expect a lot of DIY posts as I pull my new decor together!
Actually prep for next semester’s classes.
That means taking my own advice. Junior year is coming for me with a vengeance, and I intend to be ready. Most of the time, I drop into a semester without a lot of prep. I have a habit of procrastinating on… Well, everything. But this semester will be different. I’ve already visited a couple of stores looking for the perfect planner, and I’ve considered bullet journaling, as well as a few other productivity-boosting ideas. Now that I have a major, I’m able to ask the other people in it for personalized advice about my professors, and I’m already assembling a collection of shiny new school supplies to supplement what I already have.
That’s a list.
Maybe my plans aren’t huge or life changing, but I think they’re all a step up from my usual summer goals of “wake up as late as possible without getting yelled at” and “avoid terrible sunburns”, although I’m sticking with that second one. What’s more interesting than my summer bucket list? Yours, obviously. Inspire me (and everyone else) by sharing in the comments! Or join the conversation over on Living Between the Line’s Facebook page: