So there aren’t any leaves on the trees just yet, but the ground is a little bit green, and that’s good enough for me – it’s finally spring! I’m back from spring break and ready to enjoy the last of the semester – and the end of winter is one of the biggest reasons to celebrate. With the hectic leadup to finals season, the scramble to plan next year’s schedule,and the end of another year looming ahead, it’s easy to get too focused to enjoy everything spring has to offer. So in true Living Between the Lines style, I’ve made a list of things to do – this time not in life, or before 20, or for the year, but for spring itself.
Get caught in the rain
Nothing says spring like sudden storms, and I happen to love them! Winter isn’t officially over until you get soaked with rain, so you might as well enjoy it. Plus, it’s a good reminder that you’re now required to carry an umbrella at all times.
Clear out winter clothes
Chunky sweaters and scarves are super-comfy for winter, but you’ll want lighter fare for spring. Clearing winter out of my closet always gives me a ton of extra space, too. Donate anything that doesn’t fit!
Pull out the warm-weather outfits
Time to restock your closet with your favorite spring and summer outfits – sundresses, flowy shirts, shorts… Most of my favorite clothes have been in hiding for months. And maybe it’s just me, but I have to try all of it on when I take it out.
Plant some flowers
You don’t need a big garden or a green thumb to grow a few plants this spring. My roommate and I have an entire windowsill full of succulents, flowers, even a bonsai tree – plants are easy to care for and brighten up even the dingiest dorm room.

I’m growing some forget-me-nots I bought in the dollar section of Target, they’re doing well so far. I might have killed the first batch by leaving a window open. It’s fine.
Explore a new part of town
For me, at least, spring always feels like coming back to life, and it gives me insatiable wanderlust. While a big vacation isn’t always possible, there are probably tons of local places you’ve never been – visit a few!
Eat outside
I want to do everything outside once the weather gets nice, but eating is especially high on the list. Spring is the one time of year you can do so without fear of bugs, so whether it’s an all-out picnic or just lunch on a park bench, I eat outside whenever I can.
Go thrift shopping
You know how you’re basically going through your entire wardrobe as you switch out your clothes? So is everyone else, and they’re likely doing some clearing out as well. Spring cleaning will stock secondhand stores with more gems than usual.
Take pictures
After a long, dull, winter, spring seems especially beautiful. So grab a smartphone or camera and take some pictures. If you’re feeling particularly adventurous, round up some friends, dress up, and stage a photoshoot somewhere gorgeous.
Those are my resolutions for spring! As you can tell, I’m really looking forward to being outside, and wearing warm-weather clothes. What are you most looking forward to as the weather gets warmer?