5 Minute Fixes for “I Don’t Feel Like It”

5 Minute Fixes for “I Don’t Feel Like It”

I thought about making a listicle of, like, 25 tiny ideas like “make a list!” and “eat a healthy snack!” but… Why? The first thing that pops into my head is probably the first thing that pops into your head,…

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Fail-Proof Tips for Bullet Journal Beginners

Fail-Proof Tips for Bullet Journal Beginners

I feel like the odd woman out here, because when I started my bullet journal, I did it on a whim, with basically no clue how to do it. Now, it seems like every bullet journal beginner in my email…

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Bullet Journal Starter Kit

Bullet Journal Starter Kit

Okay, so you want to start a bullet journal, but aren’t sure what you need. And then you get online and realize the Luechtturm color you want is going to run you $35, and then a big pack of colorful…

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The 2017 Guide to Bullet Journal Supplies

The 2017 Guide to Bullet Journal Supplies

Those of you who have been around a while might realize that buying office supplies is one of the greatest joys in my life. New pens, cute notebooks, and accordion files are all cause for celebration, and bullet journal supplies…

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“No Motivation” Isn’t Your Problem

“No Motivation” Isn’t Your Problem

So you’ve just started a new project. You love it. You feel amazing about it. You spend hours making plans, drafting ideas, gathering supplies, and refining your goals. Finally, you decide you’re ready to start actually doing it. And then…

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