10 Minute Magic

10 Minute Magic

Changing your life for the better is a tall order. The easiest “solution,” of course, is to do nothing and complain a lot when things continue to suck. The second-easiest thing to do is create an elaborate plan that gives…

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Self Care That Actually Works

Self Care That Actually Works

So you lit a candle and had a cup of tea, and your stress wasn’t magically cured? Weird. I wonder why. Turns out, the ideas we tend to have about self care aren’t very helpful. I hear a lot of…

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Feeling Overwhelmed? Try a 5-Minute Fix.

Feeling Overwhelmed? Try a 5-Minute Fix.

Hi, hello. I’m alive, I promise. It’s been a while – this might be the longest posting gap in LBTL history. Sorry, if that disappoints anyone. Graduating college, starting a new job, and starting the apartment search have been huge…

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Tips to Soothe Your Bujo Anxiety

Tips to Soothe Your Bujo Anxiety

I love talking to y’all about your bullet journals. It’s always great to hear about how you found the bujo, what you track in it, or just to trade ideas and strategies. That said, I’ve noticed that for a lot…

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The Best Bullet Journal Facebook Groups

The Best Bullet Journal Facebook Groups

Here’s a truth universally acknowledged: If you like something, there’s a Facebook group for it. Seriously, whatever obscure interest you’ve got, there are at least 45 other people sitting in a Facebook group, caring about the same thing. Bullet journals…

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